Development Ceased on Phaneron :(
Hi, it has been a while since I have updated this. Unfortunately I don't have any more work to show on Phaneron, as I am sad to...

Phaneron Project Update! It's been a little while...
Hello peeps. Sorry it's been a little slow here and across the social media recently, the last couple of months have been extremely...

Modular kit update
A week or so ago I did a post on the modular kit I have made for the game, this is a quick update on that kit after some realising some...

Tile Designs
I have been working on trying to decide on the art style for the game, since last time I have decided to move onto designing tiles for...

Developing the core gameplay design of Phaneron!
These last couple of weeks I have been going between designing and prototyping features for the game, getting used to the process of...

Environment art style exploration
Recently I have been trying to figure what artstyle the game should have, how stylised it should be and what type of stylisation works...

Creating a modular kit
I have decided to create a basic modular kit to help with the development of level designing. Before I started I read lots of articles on...

Phe: Character design update
Leading on from the previous character development of Phe (as shown below), I have continued to push forward with finalising Phe's...

Initial art stages
I am currently working on the art for Phaneron, this post is mainly going to be an art spam with a few comments explaining the images. To...

DBACE Pitch and Awards Ceremony
Hi everyone! Unfortunately we didn't win the craft and design category in the DBACE, but we had a great time talking about Phaneron and...