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DBACE Pitch and Awards Ceremony

Hi everyone!

Unfortunately we didn't win the craft and design category in the DBACE, but we had a great time talking about Phaneron and met some really great people. Huge thanks to The Deutsche Bank for the opportunity and to all the judges who listened to our pitch and asked us some really interesting questions. We have spoken to amazing people with different creative interests, hopefully this will open up some new roads for us.

Congratulations to McEvoy Textiles for winning the craft and design category!

It was an amazing night and we truly enjoyed meeting everyone and having the opportunity to show our ideas. We met some cool people such as, Jim Bradshaw the head of film at BAFTA, who is going to forward our stuff over to their games team. We also spoke to the judges in the evening and they said that we did a great job and not to give up; but to work on our presentation skills as we came across a bit nervous and young. It was also stated that we should look into publishers which is something we will do later down the line.

After we finished the pitch we went to get some sushi and sat down in a rainy park in Liverpool St, which just happened to have a bunch of reference for our game Phaneron:

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